GSoC 2024 - Community Bonding Period Report due by May 29 | Instructions for the report

Dear OSGeo GSoC 2024 Contributors,

We hope you are having a great time interacting with your project community
and getting to know about the projects!

Thanks for following the instructions [1] and introducing yourselves here.
We see that many of you have also created your project wiki page
and updated the GSoC 2024 Accepted Student’s wiki page with your details

Please make sure that the wiki page URL directs to the wiki for your own
project and that the repository is correctly linked to the repository where
you will be working. The idea is that clicking on the wiki page URL in the
future should lead to the page containing a summary of your project, pull
request(s), and your week-by-week progress during the GSoC 2024 program.
You can create your project wiki page on either the OSGeo wiki or GitHub
wiki, with the former being recommended.

If you have not done any of this yet, please do it as early as possible.
It is a key task of the Community Bonding period and could lead to
discontinuation of the project, if not completed.

The Community Bonding period has concluded, and we saw that most
of you have already sent the community bonding report. If you haven’t,
please send the community bonding report before May 29
end-of-the-day. It would be good to send it ASAP and not wait until the
last moment.

The Coding Period has officially begun. Please note that every week,
Sunday is the deadline for sharing your weekly reports on this Discourse
category, and it is important to send them on time rather than wait for
results and send them with delay. The report should be sent to this category
and updated on your Project Wiki page even if you did not perform any

To ensure timely submission, we encourage you to prepare your report in
advance, have it reviewed by your mentors, and share it on the Discourse
category [3] promptly. If applicable, you may also send it to your project’s mailing
list or discourse (for example, [4]). For more details on what to include in your
weekly reports, please refer to [5]. For sample Community Bonding Report and
Weekly Report, you can refer [6] and [7].

Happy Coding!

Thanks & Best wishes,
OSGeo GSoC Administration Team

[1] GSoC 2024 - Congratulations to the Accepted Students! What's next: Community Bonding Period (May 1 - May 26, 2024)
[2] Google Summer of Code 2024 Accepted - OSGeo
[3] Google Summer of Code - OSGeo Discourse
[4] pgrouting-dev - OSGeo Discourse
Google Summer of Code Recommendations for Students - OSGeo
[6] [SoC] GSoC 2021 - Community Bonding Report - VRP functionality with VROOM on the database for pgRouting
[7] [SoC] GSoC 2021 - VRP functionality with VROOM on the database for pgRouting (Week 1 Report)