GSoC 2024 - Congratulations to the Accepted Students! What's next: Community Bonding Period (May 1 - May 26, 2024)

Dear GSoC Contributors,

Heartiest congratulations on being accepted as a contributor for GSoC 2024!

This email is very long, so please read it carefully as it contains vital information to help you get started with the Google Summer of Code program.

Please watch this 5 minutes video [1] that outlines the expectation for the coming days.

The Community Bonding Period (May 1 - May 26, 2024) has already started and you all are required to actively participate in it. You should make full use of this period by introducing yourself to your project community, understanding the code structure, and understanding the documentation. Read the following blog post [2] to understand what the Community Bonding period is all about, it is an old post but explains it very well.

In short, by the end of the Community Bonding Period, you should be prepared to embark on your coding objectives once the official coding period begins on May 27, 2024. Students that haven’t participated actively in the community bonding period could be removed from the program. You can even start coding during the community bonding period after discussing it with your Mentors.

What are you going to do during the Community Bonding period (May 4 - May 28, 2024)?

  • Request writing access to the OSGeo wiki, as you will need it to edit all project-related information.

  • Get to know your mentors and establish effective communication channels, such as video calls, chats, or emails. Regular and frequent communication with your mentors is expected.

  • Familiarize yourself with the community practices and processes: how does the community communicate? Where is the source code published? How does the bug tracker work?

  • Introduce yourself and your project in OSGeo-GSoC Discourse, as well as any mailing list used by your software community. Initiate a public dialogue to gather feedback and refine your project accordingly.

  • Collaborate with your mentors and the community to redefine your project with more detailed weekly milestones. Incorporate evaluation periods into your timetable, address potential issues, and add more details to your project plan.

  • Study the relevant developer manuals and materials related to your project.

  • Install the developer environment and ensure you are ready to start coding.

  • Actively participate in Discourse, Mailing Lists, IRC, or other communication channels to assist users whenever possible.

  • Start coding for bug fixes not necessarily related to your project. This exercise will help you become familiar with the codebase. Include these bug fixes in your report due at the end of the bonding period.

  • Set up your repository and wiki page for your project. If desired, feel free to blog or tweet about your progress. Remember to include this information in the report due at the end of the bonding period.

  • Seek guidance from your mentors on committing to the project repository. While committing often is encouraged, your mentors may have specific policies, such as committing to your own repository and making a pull request when the code is mature enough for inclusion in the main repository. Discuss the details with your mentors.

What is required immediately from you?

  1. Create your OSGeo User Profile (refer to [3] for reference). You’ll need an OSGeo User ID, and you will receive a subsequent email with the necessary details.

  2. Create your OSGeo GSoC project wiki page and add the links to your wiki page and public repository in the Accepted Proposals wiki page [4] (refer to [5] for reference). Additionally, hyperlink your OSGeo User Profile (created above) in the “Student” column of the Accepted Proposals wiki page. Your project wiki page will serve as a platform to showcase your work throughout GSoC, allowing community members to access it, provide feedback, and interact with your progress.

  3. Write an introductory email to our OSGeo-GSoC Discourse [6] and your community’s development mailing list. In this email, provide details about your project and request feedback. Include information about your wiki page, public repository, and any other channels through which the community can follow your updates, such as a blog or a Twitter account.

  4. Additionally, we recommend reviewing Google’s GSoC students guide [7] and OSGeo’s specific instructions [8] [9]. These resources contain valuable advice based on past experiences.

At the end of the Community Bonding Period, you’ll be required to submit the first report to the OSGeo-GSoC Discourse.

New modifications since the GSoC 2022 program (and continuing ahead), related to the coding period timeline:

  • Since the GSoC 2022 program, the program now allows flexibility in the coding period duration, ranging from 10 to 22 weeks, with the standard duration being 12 weeks. A GSoC contributor with the agreement of the mentor can reach out to the Org Admins to adjust the coding period duration at any point in the program, as long as the coding period is not longer than 22 weeks. The standard 12-week duration ensures consistency with deadlines, but we understand that you may require a modified schedule due to planned breaks, exams, prior commitments, or the desire to finish earlier. Thus, you can request adjustments throughout the program to reflect a 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, or 22-week project [10].

Public interaction is important – it is a key principle of open source – work happens where everyone can see it.

In case of any doubts, remember that we all are one email away. Please feel free to reach out to the Mentors, Admins, and Community Members for any queries and updates. Depending on your location, you might be still working from home or in a constrained environment, so, if required, please communicate your status to the Mentors asap, instead of waiting till the last moment thinking that you will solve it on your own.

Wishing you all a very productive and fulfilling geospatial summer!

Kind regards,
Your OSGeo GSoC Admins

[2] Google Summer of Code Blog: So what is this community bonding all about?
[3] User:Krashish8 - OSGeo
[4] Google Summer of Code 2024 Accepted - OSGeo
[5] Google Summer of Code 2023 Accepted - OSGeo
[6] Google Summer of Code - OSGeo Discourse (
[7] What is Google Summer of Code? | Google Summer of Code Guides
[8] Google Summer of Code Recommendations for Students - OSGeo
[9] Google Summer of Code Recommendations for Students - OSGeo
[10] 2024 Project Dates  |  Google Summer of Code  |  Google for Developers

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