Introduce yourself! (Discourse migration check-in)

OSGeo Marketing committee checking in!

If you found this topic online:

  • check that you can login to discourse
  • reply to introduce yourself (we look forward to meeting you)!

If you got this as a email message on the old address


Dear committee members, it’d be helpful to acknowledge this message with a quick comment here, or even just a thumb up or like to the original post, thanks!! :heart_eyes:

Hello, everyone! Scott McHale, here! I help organize the OSGeo, Alberta Chapter and have just recently joined the Marketing Committee.

Jody, the email I received has this address with two t’s:

I received this from an am replying via email!

Fingers crossed…


On 27/05/2024 15:59, ScottMcHale via OSGeo Discourse wrote:

[scottmchale] scottmchale
May 27

Jody, the email I received has this address with two t’s:

Visit Topic
or reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here

Nick Bearman
+44 (0) 7717745715

Please let me know if I can make any adjustments related to disability or neurodivergence to improve how we interact.

Due to my own life/work balance, you may get emails from me outside of normal working hours. Please do not feel any pressure to respond outside of your own working pattern.

lol - that is why we test. Let’s update the trac ticket

Hi :wave:t2:. I’m Matt Walker, a member of the OSGeo UK chapter. I’ve been working at Astun Technology for over 10 years where we use and contribute to a bunch of open source geo.


Welcome to marketing (and discourse :slight_smile: )

It is great to see you here - may I ask how you managed to login? I am curious what method people will choose.

Both the OSGeo UK chapter and your employer Astun Technology are great supporters of OSGeo. Thank you for joining us here.

Nick I expect you will receive messages once you interact with a topic. If you join the marketing group it is similar to joining an email list and you would get messages as (once we fix that).

Update: It is fixed now